We all use screen protectors for our android phones, iPhones, and tablets to protect the screen from any damage. Over time, the screen protector or tempered glass starts to get dirty, and our phone’s screen starts to look ugly. And we always have a concern regarding how to clean a screen protector for your iPhone/tablet?
A screen protector/tempered glass shields the screen of your mobile from wear and tear. But, dust particles can enter even between your screen protector and your mobile’s screen. These debris or dust particles can form a bubble shape structure inside your screen guard. It is quite easy to clean the upper part of the tempered glass or plastic screen protector, but what about cleaning the sticky inner part of the screen protector?

So, let us begin with all the easy steps to know how to clean a screen protector for your iPhone/tablet from the upper and the inner sticky/adhesive side.
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Know how to clean a screen protector of your iPhone/tablet
There are many easy ways to clean the outer surface of your screen. I will give you an easy step-by-step process to clean the dirt out of your screen guard.
Learn how to clean a dirty screen protector/tablet screen
Step-wise cleaning procedure:
Remove dust
Yes, this is probably the easiest method when you ask how to clean dust from my plastic screen protector? You have to take a soft cloth(microfiber cloth) in this process and wipe off all the dust particles sticking on your mobile’s screen. Many tempered glass protectors with oleophobic coating are themselves resistant to smudging and get clean easily.
Use dish soap
Yes, my dear friend, even after doing the first step, your screen still looks dirty? Are you still wondering how to clean the sticky part of a screen protector for your tablet/iPhone/Android mobile? You have to take an equal amount of ordinary dish-wash and water to make a dilute form for cleaning the screen guard.
Now what you have to do is to take a microfiber cloth and gently dab it in the dish solution. Apply very little quantity of the solution on your mobile’s screen. Be gentle while slowly cleaning any stickiness on the surface. This diluted dish wash will work like a charm for cleaning the sticky part of your iPhone/tablet’s screen protector. Take care that the solution should not enter inside your mobile.
Wipe your screen protector
In the last step, you have to take a soft dry cloth, preferably take a microfiber cloth again. Gently clean all leftover liquid from your screen guard. Now, I think you have got the answer to how to clean a dirty screen protector for your iPhone/tablet.
Know how not to clean screen guards
So, I have explained above a step-by-step process for cleaning the upper surface of your screen protector. But I think you must also know what to avoid while cleaning your tempered glass/screen protector. You have to take into mind avoid few things and avoid any error while cleaning the screen guard of your mobile. You should not choose a few things while cleaning your mobile’s screen or protective coating, i.e. screen protector.
Avoid harsh cleaners
Some of the cleaners, like alcohol and Windex, are very harsh to clean your screen protector. If you ever thought of using these harsh chemicals, then be aware now. Alcohol can permanently damage the screen of your mobile. Also, alcohols can permanently remove the oleophobic coating off your screen shield.
Avoid abrasive cleaners
I have mentioned above that it is quite safe and easy to use diluted dish-wash to clean the screen guard. But never use a dishwasher brush, tough sponges, or anything abrasive for this purpose. You can use a microfiber cloth instead for cleaning tempered glass.
Hope you have now got all queries solved on how to clean a screen protector for your iPhone/tablet or any other mobile you are having.
I hope this article gave you a proper answer on how to clean a sticky screen protector for your iPhone/tablet. You can apply the tricks mentioned above and tips to clean dirt from iPhone or any android phone you are using. I have also mentioned to you what to not use while cleaning the tempered glass of your mobile.