Being a creator on youtube is not everyone’s cup of tea. The creator should have knowledge in various departments like direction, cinematography, editing, music, etc. Another great challenge that creators may face is the copyright claims on youtube. While many are not aware of what these are, they get tensed at the monetary loss they get in the near future. In this context, they end up with queries like how to get rid of a copyright claim on youtube. If you are looking for the answer for the same, look no further.
We will explain to you all relevant insights to make a professional creator by the end of this post.
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Why Do You Get Youtube Copyright Claims?
Youtube has made accessing content quite easier and free for its users. Consequently, various strategies to download and save these videos were also advented. In this scenario, the fear of copying the tunes, music, and video would be amplifying. Fortunately, the creators of youtube have been secured by the platform in the form of Copyright. The one who creates the music or content holds the Copyright of the same. When someone else uses the same in their content, the creators can infringe a copyright strike on them.
Therefore, if you got a copyright strike on your video, this means your video includes something that is already a part of some other creator. This may not come to your notice while you create it; youtube scans every detail of the video while it is shared.
If your content has a copyright strike, don’t Worry! You may follow some tips while creating your video or making some on-the-spot changes to overcome these. Let us look into various relevant insights in the coming lines to get the answer of how to get rid of a copyright claim on youtube?
What happens when Copyright strikes on your video?
A copyright strike implies that the copyright owner has put up a complete and valid legal takedown request for putting their protected content or its part in your content. These videos can be removed entirely or brought up with minor changes by removing copyrighted parts.
Also, Note that a strike is not always the same as a claim.
In a nutshell, a copyright claim is someone postulating that you have employed their content, such as image, video, or music. On the other hand, a copyright strike, as the name suggests, is a comparatively serious claim which can even lead to termination of the creator account if repeated regularly.
How To Remove A Music Copyright Claim On Youtube?
Copyright claims don’t fall for the whole video most of the time. Often, a small part of the same is affected and marked. Making changes in this area would be enough to mitigate the issue.
Removing that section of the video or the music that is subject to Copyright:
- Step 1:Go to that part of the video that has strike and removes it
- Step 2: Mute the song with infringement
- Step 3: Fill the muted areas with sounds in the audio library
How to Avoid Copyright Claims on YouTube?
Many creators use ruthless procedures to answer copyright claims. They often change the pitch or trim the length of the audio, which may not always resolve the issue. Here are some tips to avoid getting copyrighted on youtube:
Gather music from royalty-free sources
There are many sources on youtube and many other internet sites where you can search and use music that is royalty-free. This free music is made to be used by anyone. If you are ready to pay for the music, you can even go for the paid versions too. In youtube, NCS comes with awesome music options; you may need to mention their name in your video description to get them free. Other free websites include Lickd, Pond5, and PremiumBeat.
Here’s how you can access the youtube free audio library:
- Step 1: Navigate to your channel on youtube.
- Step 2: Once your dashboard is opened, on the left side of the screen, select other Features.
- Step 3: You will see a list in the drop-down menu. Select Audio Library.
- Step 4: You can see a list of sounds that you can use in your video without copyright infringements. You can play and download these for your use.
Alternatively, you can use creative commons music in your videos. By definition, creative commons music is also a type of licensed music that allows others to share it. You can filet out creative commons music using the following steps:
- Step 1: In the Search Bar in Youtube, type the name of the music you want to have.
- Step 2: Now, find the filer logo below the search bar, and click on it.
- Step 3: You can see a large set of options where you need to choose the Creative Commons option to filter out those which support creative commons license.
Now you can access the music of the filtered songs to use in your videos.
Create genuine content
Creating real and genuine content is taxing yet is the best ever tip to avoid copyright strikes and claims. Shoot a video for your video rather than lending it from other sources like movies and series. Try procuring your own music in your video.
Respect the Fair use policy of Youtube
Copyrighted content can be fairly used without getting prone to infringement. For instance, you will not be charged under infringement if the content is put in a non-profit video.
If you are creating music, officially license it
Creating genuine content is not enough; you should need to license it. If you have not claimed your license, someone else using the same after you may claim the same and may strike Copyright back on you; thus, creating genuine music should be adorned with an officiant license to secure your hard work and investment.
Summing Up
That It! You now know how to get rid of a copyright claim on youtube. Getting the answer with relevant insights can aid you in comprehending the scenario as it is. These can thus now can make you a better creator on youtube. Note that these complications only arise when you want to monetize the content you created. Fair use has no such challenges ever on youtube.