Now, if you are just wondering how to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat or how to know if someone deleted or unadded you on Snapchat. This is not a tricky thing. Follow this article to know all the details regarding blocking, not adding, and unfriending on Snapchat.
Quick view
- 1 How to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat?
- 2 How to tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat?
- 3 How to tell if someone removed you on snapchat: Different methods
- 4 How to know if someone unadded you on Snapchat?
- 5 How would someone know in case you have unadded them on Snapchat?
- 6 How to tell if someone is still following me after I unfollowed them?
- 7 How do you know if someone unfriended you on Snapchat?
How to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat?
It may happen that someone has made up their mind to remove you from Snapchat. So, how do you know if someone removed you on Snapchat? Here we go with the details.
- The very obvious way is to check your friend list. If anyone has removed you on Snapchat, they would no longer be visible on your friend list.
- If you have a massive number of friends, checking the friend list might be a hectic process. Then how to know if someone deleted you on Snapchat without involving yourself in such a lengthy procedure? Just search for that friend by typing their name in the search bar. If the name does not pop up, then they might have removed you on Snapchat.
- Next, you can search for them on Snapchat. If their name appears, and along with that, you see the add option beside their name, then they must have removed you on Snapchat. Following these easy steps you can find answer of how to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat
What is Snapchat?
It is an American multimedia messaging service that has the attention of the latest generation. Mind you; these teenagers take their snaps very seriously. What makes Snapchat alluring is that there is no commitment; the snaps are only available for a short time, as per the user’s choice, before they become unavailable for the recipient. What’s more exciting about Snapchat? You can snap back a picture within just 1-10 seconds.

How the friend list in Snapchat works?
- Snapchat goes through people’s interactions over a week and, based on that, creates a list of the number of times you sent snaps to someone. So being friends is a huge deal around here.
- Friends can be added from the contacts you have on your phone or any other device. Even if they don’t have a Snapchat, invite them to create one.
- When someone is added to Snapchat, the following information gets saved in the Snapchat servers: contact names, phone numbers, email addresses etc.
- When someone unfollows you or blocks you on Snapchat, it is not easy to tell if they did. You don’t even receive a notification. These are easy ways about how to tell if someone removed you on snapchat.
How to tell if someone has blocked you on Snapchat?
This thing is pretty easy to confirm since if they have blocked you, they also want you to know they did it. Still, you’ll have to do just a little digging. Following is the procedure provided that will let you know if someone has blocked you on Snapchat.
If they were your friend at some point, then start by checking the “my friends” list. As we said earlier, if you can’t see their snap score anymore, then they unfollowed you for sure.
Now, if you can’t see them at all, they might have blocked you. Now, if it’s unlikely that they would check up on them, maybe? Since this may also mean they have deleted their account and quit Snapchat.
If they weren’t your Snapchat friend, you would have to search them. If you have been blocked, you will not be able to find them or add them. They won’t exist for you. You will also further not be able to send them a private message anymore. Hence you are now aware of how to tell if someone removed you On Snapchat or how to know if someone unadded you on Snapchat?

As we have said, the only exception is that they have completely deleted their Snapchat account. Now, how would you know whether they have deleted their account or blocked you?
If their name is visible from any other account, then be sure that they have blocked you. If you fail to find their names from any other account, it must be concluded that they have stopped using Snapchat.
How to tell if someone removed you on snapchat: Different methods
This article will go over the various strategies that will help us to find if someone unadded you on Snapchat? There is always a way around every hurdle we face in the digital world if we can find it.
Method 1
The obvious way is to keep an eye on your followers’ list so that whenever anything is awry, it catches your eye. Here’s how to check again:
- With a right swipe, go from the camera screen to the friend’s screen.
- Type the name of the contact you are looking for in the search bar.

- Wait until you see their name.
Now you will see their name and their snap score. You can only see the snap score of people you follow and follow you back. So if the score is still showing that person has not yet unfollowed you, but if it’s not, then it looks like they did press the “remove friend” button after all.
Method 2
Another way to tell is the status of the snaps that you sent to the person. So choose a filter, take a snap and send it to them. Now, if they are not following you and you have sent them a snap, then the snap will reach nowhere. Here’s how to figure that out:
- There is a chat bubble icon in the bottom left corner when you open Snapchat. Tap on that.

- Double-tap on the username of the person that’s on your suspect list.
- Now click the snap. Make sure to click a good one in case you are wrong about the unfollowing part.

Tap send arrow and send the message.

- Now go back to the chat screen, and below the person’s username, you can see the status of the snap. If it reads pending, maybe wait for a few more minutes and check your internet connection. But if that pending never changes to be delivered, the user may have deleted you from their friend list. The arrow next to the username may appear grey, too, in this case.

How to know if someone unadded you on Snapchat?
Don’t we all like to think that the number of people that follow us surpasses the number of people we follow? So it might be the case that you are not following a person but are still interested to know whether that person is still following you or whether they have unfollowed you. How to know if someone unadded you on Snapchat?
Now you’re in a difficult position. If you are not following them, then you won’t see their snap streak anyway. And apart from the snap streak, there’s isn’t a very sure way of knowing if someone has unfollowed you on Snapchat.
So we try to take on another approach. This is to look at the people you are keeping a tab on your stories.
- Add a photo to your story.
- Click on the bitmoji. After uploading the story, the bitmoji part will appear as a preview for your story.

- Tap my story now to view your story.
- Swipe up or tap the eye icon on the bottom left-hand corner of the displayed screen to check who has seen your story.

Now you can see the name of every person that viewed that snap. Now every person who follows you might not be interested in stories or be that active. But if things are conspicuous, then it may be a sign that they have unfollowed you. Thus, how to know if someone unadded you on Snapchat is no more an unknown question for you.
How would someone know in case you have unadded them on Snapchat?
Now have we been looking at this the other way around? Have you just deleted someone and are trying to find out if they can figure out what you’ve done? Well, if they are reading this article too, sure they will.
In every Snapchat user’s profile, there is an option to know “snapchatters who have added you back”. If they check that list, you’ll be caught. However, Snapchat sends no notification when you unadd someone. So if they are not too worried and don’t dig around, you’re more likely to get away with it.
How to tell if someone is still following me after I unfollowed them?
Suddenly you might find the number of followers on your snap account has decreased. This is undeniably disappointing. There must be some person in your mind whom you doubt that must have unfollowed you. What do you do next? You are now to search whether your assumptions are correct.
Now you know how to tell if someone deleted you off Snapchat. But how do you know if they have just unfollowed you? There are again two ways to accomplish this.
Method 1: Checking your story.
The most significant drawback of this method has to wait around for the person to be active enough to check your story. In case they are not habituated to viewing stories, you’ll never know. For a plus point, it’s pretty easy and not sneaky at all. Just post a story like you usually do.

Method 2: Adding as a friend.
Pros of this are that you’ll be able to keep track of this person of interest, and the downside is that they’ll be very aware of being of some interest to you.
- Add the person as a friend.
- There will be their bitmoji beside their name. Tap on it.
- Now comes our favourite part. Check the snap score. If you can see it, they have at some point friended you.
How do you know if someone unfriended you on Snapchat?
Now that you know how to tell if someone deleted you from Snapchat, you must find out how you know if someone unfriended you on Snapchat. Visit the profile you are doubting. Generally, snap scores of all the friends are always visible. If someone unfriended you on Snapchat, their profile would be visible to you, but their snap score won’t be visible anymore.
Furthermore, if someone has unfriended you, it will depend on their settings whether you will send a message to them. Snapchat has various privacy settings, and if they have their “contact me” settings changed to everyone, they will still be able to see your messages. If they have an “only friends” setting, the arrow will be grey, and your message won’t be delivered.
I hope this article will prove to be helpful to you. In conclusion, Snapchat is the most rapidly growing app in the world for all mobile users. It is a quick and easy way of communication. Most importantly, it never keeps a record of your previous chats. After a certain period, the chats are automatically erased. I hope you are now clear about how to tell if someone removed you on Snapchat.
Hi Shubha,
To be honest, I am not a Snapchat user. But, once I installed it for testing purpose for one of my article, and I found this app amazing. So, for those who use it regularly, this how-to guide is a good guide to help them know if someone has removed them on Snapchat.
Good Article as usual. Keep such posts coming!