You may be reading this because you feel isolated among the new graduates of the internet slang and social media acronym subject. Snapchat has the most popular and commonly used slang and acronyms of any social media platform.
We’ve all heard the acronyms LOL, ILY, TTYL, FYI, and F9, but that newly added everyday slang makes us feel old. Hopefully, there will be a dictionary where you can search acronyms and quickly find out what they mean.
But don’t worry. We’ve included all you need to know in this article to help you determine what SSB means on Snapchat, FB, and other places.
Quick Answer: SSB in Snachap means ‘Send Snap Back.’

Quick view
Snapchat in short
Snapchat is one of the world’s most popular social media apps. The impressive interface of the Snapchat app, which allows them to send selfies and videos to their friends and network, is adored by users.
Many users enjoy using the platform to chat with their closest friends, send Snaps, and post multimedia on stories. Not only do they send cute and goofy selfies to their Snapchat friends, but they also use colloquial or slang terms.
What does smh mean in Snapchat?
SSB has several meanings, which we will go over in detail. To begin with, the most common context when you can see SSB in comments, captions, and Snaps on Snapchat is ‘Send Snap Back.’ This means that when your friend sends you a Snap with SSB, they expect you to respond with a Snap of your image or video.
In other expressions, it is possible to conclude that SSB is sent to initiate a messaging trail with anyone on the Snapchat App. This is now abbreviated to SB, which stands for ‘SnapBack.’
SSB does not always necessitate a response. If you receive an SSB text with a Snap but aren’t in the right mood or don’t want to talk to that person, you can simply ignore them. However, doing so will end your Snapstreak with your friend.
How to React to an SSB on Snapchat?
To keep the conversation going, respond with a snap of your own
If your friend sends you a snap with the text “SSB,” they’re probably interested in seeing a photo or video of what you’re up to right now.
All you have to do is respond with a snap! They may also attempt to maintain a Snapstreak with you, as this is a very popular activity on Snapchat.
Press the round button at the bottom of the screen to take a new photo or video. Then send the photo or video to your buddy.
Wondering what Snapstreak is?
If you’ve spoken to another user every day for the past three days in a row, you’re in a Snapstreak with them. A fire emoji will appear next to the names of people with whom you have a Snapstreak.
If you don’t want to interact with the person, ignore SSB
Just because someone asks you to send a Snapchat snap back does not obligate you to do so! It is entirely optional. Ignore them if you’re not in the mood or don’t have time right now. You can always contact them again later if necessary. If the person is bothering you, you can block them.
What does smh mean in texting, FB, and others?
You can use SSB in a variety of contexts aside from Snapchat. What SSB means in texting is different from what it means on Snapchat. To avoid confusion, let me state that SSB has only one meaning in the context of Snapchat. And for the rest of the world, I’ve listed most of them below.
SSB stands for Secret Single Behavior
SSB stands for Secret Single Behavior. It refers to how one acts when at home alone. We’re all embarrassed when we do stupid things in public, but we act quickly like that when we have the opportunity to be alone at home. This ‘Me Time’ behavior is known as SSB Secret Single Behavior.
You must be curious about where this idea came from. If you recall, the HBO series “Sex and the City” debuted in 1998. Sarah Jessica Parker (as Carrie Bradshaw) and co-star Kristin Davis (as Charlotte York) discuss Secret Single Behavior in one of the scenes.
In the HBO series, one of Carrie’s SSBs is stacking saltine crackers, spreading grape jelly on them, and eating them standing up while reading magazines. When she’s alone, she does this odd little thing.
So, SSB is doing odd things that no one notices or when people are alone at home.
SSB stands for Sucks So Bad
Only for Snapchat, the full form of SSB is Send Snap Back. It means something different on other social media platforms. For example, if you see SSB on Instagram, you cannot interpret it as Send Snap Back because there is no such thing on Instagram.
It actually means Sucks So Bad. This expresses extreme annoyance, anger, or irritation toward or from something. Exams, for example, are approaching, so someone can post, “SSB, tomorrow is an exam, and I must study all night.”
SSB stands for Super Smash Bros
Super Smash Bros is a multiplayer online game. This is the digital and online version of the classic retro game that was once available on video game consoles.
All you require to play this game is have the ability to shoot, jump, and run. The abbreviation SSB is also frequently used for this adventure game. This game has several versions, the most recent of which is Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
You may have seen SSB about Super Smash Bros losing or winning on social media. You might see a gamer use SSB with the hashtag “Combat chaos on Switch tonight!” #SSB”
Concluding thoughts
SSB is a popular internet slang term on Snapchat. Snapchat users frequently include it in their Snaps and texts. Aside from Snapchat, SSB has multiple meanings in different contexts. I hope you have understood it by now what this abbreviation means.