Social media has become an inevitable part of our life. The increasing demand for social media has led to the innovation of various applications for getting connected to your friends and known persons. One of the initial applications that come to our mind in the present day is Facebook messenger. People often wonder how to make paragraphs in facebook messenger??
But this utterly famous application comes with some basic features that might not be known to all. One of those features includes the very frequently asked questions of how to start a new paragraph in the Facebook post and how to start a new line on Facebook Messenger.
If you are one of those who have been browsing for the answer of questions like- how to make paragraphs in facebook messenger for a long then, this article might prove to be helpful to you.
Quick view
What is the Facebook messenger?
Facebook messenger is an American application that is managed and controlled by Facebook. It helps you to stay close to persons who are important to you. It provides an instant messaging facility. Sharing photos, audio recordings, videos, and group chats are made easy by using this app.
How to start a new paragraph on a Facebook post
Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms; the users rightfully demand that they have all the benefits on other apps in Facebook messenger. One of these is the ability to make a new paragraph on Facebook.
Many users often inquire about the answer to how to start a new paragraph on a Facebook post. Be it a post or the comments section, one can always need to make a new paragraph that starts a new line. So here we will be separately telling you how to make a new line in Facebook comments and the Facebook status updates.
In the Facebook comments
Often you would like to comment on something on Facebook that needs to be done in two separate paragraphs. It may be that you want to focus on two separate viewpoints but don’t want to comment on the post twice, or it may be that commenting on what you have to say together will take the spotlight away from the important points. Either way, we must know how to start a new line or add a line break in the Facebook comments section.
You can always break the comment into several smaller comments, and they would serve the purpose in the same way but here is how we can avoid you doing that.
From smartphone
If you are using Facebook from your smartphone, your keyboard probably comes with a line break option, and thus you can usually create a new paragraph without having to worry about it. If your keyboard does not have the line break option, you can download a new keyboard that has it or check the setting of your existing keyboard and see if you can add it.

From laptop or PC
The problem is real when you are using Facebook from your laptop or your PC. In that case, you will see that pressing enter will post the comment in the comments section. But there is a shortcut key combination in your keyboard which you may not know about, and it is just the thing you are looking for. If you press the shift and then the enter keys simultaneously, this will be used as a line break and start a new paragraph in the Facebook comments.
Now you can easily create a new paragraph in a comment on Facebook. You don’t have to worry about your comment not being neat or too congested.
In the Facebook status update
If you are a Facebook user and, on top of that, a regular one, you cannot even imagine using Facebook without updating your status. It is an excellent way of staying connected with friends and making them aware of what you are up to now. And when you are pouring your thoughts into the status update section, you will, of course, need to make new paragraphs. Nobody likes to read something that is not broken into smaller sections for the ease of reading.
So now we shall present you with two ways to make a new paragraph.
From both PC and smartphone
- This method will work irrespective of what device you are using.
- If you are not logged in to your Facebook account, do so.
- Start typing the status update.
- For PC users, press your enter key twice. This is to start a new paragraph.
- If smartphone users don’t already have the line break option on your keyboard, pressing the done or the enter key twice will also achieve the desired result.

From laptop or PC
This is the traditional method of creating a line break in a PC. This method will not work if you are using Facebook from your smartphone. Just press Shift+Enter, and you will be done.
How do you start a new line on Facebook Messenger?
Sometimes, you may feel the necessity of starting a new line on Facebook Messenger. How do you start a new line on Facebook Messenger is one of the most frequently asked questions. It is a little different for laptops and mobiles.
For laptops
To start a new line on Facebook messenger through laptops, just press Shift+Enter, and you will be done.
For mobiles
If you are using Facebook Messenger on your android, the most convenient way is to press the done. Or pressing the enter key twice will also achieve the desired result.

Now that you have a clear idea of starting a new line on Facebook Messenger. Or how to make paragraphs in Facebook Messenger, we hope that you will not make any mistakes. We also firmly believe that this article was helpful to you. And there will not be a need to browse your query on any other sites.